Development of a public private action plan aiming the improvement of social, socioprofessional and educational inclusion of high school students with fewer oportunities.
The action plan will be based on the information provided by an impact research, as well as on adaptation and initiation of a counselling and personal development methodology implemented in a nonformal context, in a Youth Center.
The project will contribute to reaching the general aim of COERENT program by testing an innovative model of involving the youth with fewer opportunities, as well as involving Youth Foundations, Counties Youth Departments and Youth NGOs in implementation of this innovative model at local level. The project contributes directly to reaching both specific program objectives with the integrative model (based on counselling and personal and professional development activities) and local actions initiated and implemented in publicprivate partnership.
This project is co-financed through SEE Grants- with a financial value of 986.916,22 lei. Implementation period: 22nd June 2015- 31st December 2016.
The project tackled two main needs of youngsters with less opportunities: need of career counselling services and need of basic competence development for labour market insertion after school graduation.