1 action plan which aims the improvement of social and socioprofessional inclusion and integration 1 counselling and personal development methodology
1 set of counselling instruments including minimum: career test, SWOT analyse, vision, professional project, educational direction, CV.
5 designs for keycompetences development workshops focusing on topics such as: gender equality, chance equality, respect for diversity and individuality 20 representatives of public authorities will participate to seminars for informing and transfer of good practices.
80 representatives of NGOs will participate to seminars for informing and transfer of good practices.
1 network built out of representatives of local authorities and NGOs who commit to implement the action plan
1 set of project management plan
1 methodology for selection of the target group
150 students and 125 parents direct beneficiaries of the counselling activities and competence development workshops aiming development of assertive attitudes toward discriminatory actions.
100 direct beneficiaries of the seminars for informing and transfer of good practices (public authorities and NGOs representatives).
24 youngsters in Roma community will participate to the counselling activities and competence development workshops
90 portfolios elaborated by the participants
80% of the participants to the counselling activities and competence development workshops continue their studies in the next school year
600 hours of career activities delivered for the youngsters
100 hours of workshops/meetings with the parents or legal representatives of youngsters throughout the whole project
50 hours of workshops for beneficiaries in institutions and organizations
56 hours of workshops delivered in different environment than the resident city for youngster throughout the project
30 hours of workshops for development of competences of communication/negotiation/conflict management
18 hours of workshops for parents concepts about counselling, age psychology, personal resources management
36 hours of workshops youngstersparents
100 hours of counselling delivered for youngsters and 25 hours for mentors/parents in the first year of sustainability
14 hours of workshops delivered in different environment than the resident city for youngster in the first year of sustainability
2 hours of workshop youngstersparents in the first year of sustainability
1 seminar organized for 20 representatives of Youth and Sport Directorates, Youth Federations and NGOs in the first year of sustainability
1 impact study increment of target group who will access other counselling service on local level (School Centre for Psychopedagogical Support, Nongovernmental organizations, Youth and Sport Directorates ) increment of percentage of students with positive approach for the counselling services
2 project promotion conferences (launching and finalizing)
6 promotion activities in high schools
5 seminars for information transferring and good practices
1 set of project management instruments
1 methodology for selection of the target group