Trainings Thu, 02 May 2024 02:15:46 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb (Nonformal) The right hemisphere development through creativity and drawing Facilitators: Adriana and  Mugurel


The used method - Training Course based on experiential pedagogy and on the principles of adult learning

This training  targets participants who think abouth themelves they lack creativity and they don’t have the drawing abilities. It also targets participants who want to become more creative, more organized and who want to give an artistic dimension to their live through creativity and drawing. Nowadays, small children do not have any difficulty in expressing themselves through drawing, but, as they grow up, they abandon this type of expressing themselves; researches show that this fact happens around the age of 10-12 due to the fact they can’t realize how to draw a real-like drawing. And, for good reason, it is almost impossible to learn drawing only by yourself. As reading and writing skills, drawing requests instructions, and the instructed persons get very good results.

The left Hemisphere is characterized by the verbal thinking style (which uses numbers, signs, details, symbols, logical thinking). It also deals with speech and language, hence our reading, writing, analyzing and thinking capacities.

The right Hemisphere is the headquarters of non-verbal representations. The person dominated by the right hemisphere take in everything at a glance, has the capacity of synthetizing, is creative and intuitive.

Each person has either a dominant hemisphere, or a balance between the two hemispheres. Generally, in our every day life, people need both hemispheres, but for stimulating our creativity and for drawing as well, we need the right hemisphere. During the training there are activities for stimulating creativity and developing the perceptive capacity that help us discover the potential of our right hemisphere.


Training aim –  The development of creativity and drawing competencies at adults for using them succesfully in their every day life.

Training objectives

  1. To present the main fundamental concepts on creativity and drawing techniques
  2. To acquire stimulating techniques of the right hemisphere through creativity and drawing
  3. To practice relaxation complementary techniques for activating the right hemisphere.


Duration, period and location

The training was held throughout 3 days and it was delivered for two groups af adults (teachers and school counsellours) from two different cities- Timisoara (March 2014) and Drobeta Turnu-Severin(July 2014)  .

Participants’ descriptions

The participants were fellow teachers, counselors working in formal educational system, from low secondary school to high school, as well as other adults. The procedure for selection of the participants was an open call. The two training courses comprised 20 participants who used their new-gained skills with their students.

Results: The development of creativity, raise of self-esteem, decreasing of inhibition, socialization, gaining new drawing skills, improvement of knowledge over the use of non-formal education.

Watch a short vido about this course

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Description:The training was held between 18-19 June 2014 and it aimed the improving of competencies and abilities such as: team work, asserive communication emphaty, creativity and originality in achieving promotion materials for ideas based on social economy.
Participants: 15 teachers from the Economy High School „Francesco Saverio Nitti”, Timisoara.
The methods we used at the training contributed to acquiring and improving personal skills and competencies: experiential pedagogy, adult education principle, social economy principles.
Aim: the improvement of competencies in applying the principles of social economy
Objectives: at the end of the training the participants were able to:
-          To define the concept  and the principles of social economy
-          To analyze the role of discrimination in creating the economical discrepancies
-          To propose project ideas on the social economy topic
Location: The Economy College Francesco Saverio NITTI, Timişoara
Participants: 15 teachers of varied subjects: economy, tourism, foreign languages, social, communication.
Results: 15 teachers with improved competencies on social economy principles

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Non-formal education in formal education of students Non-formal education in formal education of students

facilitatorsMałgorzata Paczyńska-Jędrycka and Marta Jońca

Brief description of the training
The training was held on June 27, 2014. It involved students II and III of the fields: Physical Education and  also Tourism and Recreation- both from Department of Physical Education and Health Promotion, University of Szczecin. Students acquainted with the basic knowledge on formal and non-formal education. The training was mainly focused on practical actions, namely integration activities, team, activities focused on creative thinking, also energizers. All lectures were carefully discussed with the students. We indicated the possibility of their use to work with children and youth for example on: colonies and camps during the summer.

Purpose of training
The main objective of the training was to familiarize students with the methods of non-formal education in order to exploit them to work with children and youth in schools, camps and colonies for children and youth, as well as during the courses of animation.

The specific objectives
• To show why it is important to use the non- formal education in our work (here: work with children and youth)
• Learn new games, games, tasks that you can use in their daily work
• Show how you can use the non-formal education in a traditional school
• Show that you can also learn through play
• To develop their own workshop

The duration, the period of the location
The training was held on 27.06.2014. 12.30-20.00 hours at Jasne Błonia (centrally located park) in Szczecin

Description of the participants
The training was attended by 14 students the second and third year courses: Physical Education and Tourism and Recreation Department of Physical Education and Health Promotion, University of Szczecin. They were mostly people who will be an educators or Staff for holidays for children and adolescents.
Students participated with great commitment in training. These were people who really wanted it to acquire new knowledge and skills that they can use in their future work.
Results and effects of training
• Knowledge about new games and activities, informal techniques which can be used in the field of formal education
• New skills for working with groups for children and youth
• Improved interaction between teachers and students,
• Ability to understand how you can create learning situations
• Ability to create new games, games, activities using resources that currently has ("make something out of nothing")

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Non-formal education in formal in youth and adult education  facilitators: Marta, Irmina and Justyna
2.                  Brief description of the training
The training consisted of one meeting on weekends. These were the introductory workshops explaining the theoretical concept of non-formal education, as well as tasks and integration activities, focused on teamwork and creative thinking. The premise of these workshops was to prepare participants for the practical use of the methods they learned in working with children and young people as well as with adults. Practical classes focused on many aspects and included issues ranging from integration, by energy raising games, team building task, communication exercises and creative thinking, to dancing and funny games. All tasks and exercises were thoroughly discussed and together with the participants of the workshop modified and adapted to the educational program addressed to the students.
3.                  Purpose of training
The principal goal of the workshop was to introduce the issue of non-formal education and to familiarize participants with the working methods in order to introduce and use methods, forms and techniques of non-formal education in teaching and conducting activities with groups of children, young people and also with adults.
4.                  The specific objectives
·      Finding and indicating the possibilities of using the techniques and methods of non-formal education while working with the students.
·      Searching for new ideas, games, activities and tasks that can be used in everyday work with students of the project participants.
·      Showing attractive opportunities and ways to enrich their classes through non-formal education methods.
·      Providing with opportunities to experience something new, mutual understanding and integration.
·      Showing the ability to influence using methods of non-formal education on interactions between caregivers and children and among children in the group.
5.                  Duration, the period of training and location
The workshop lasted two days.
The training was held on 19-20.06.2014 r. from 9.00 to 18.00 in Czarnocin School of Active Recreation "Frajda".
6.                  Description of the participants
The run workshops were attended by 12 participants from the Municipality Stepnica as well as from all Poland.
The participants were students, youth workers, teachers and educators, who every day are in contact with children and young people. The project was also attended by professionals who work with various groups, as well as those who are just starting their adventure in the field of teaching. The workshop participants were very engaged and eager to explore new forms and methods of education.
7. Training (table)
8.                  Results and effects of training
The main objective of the workshop which was carried out was to show the possibility of a broad impact of non-formal education methods to develop social skills and relationships as well as showing the project participants with the possibility of incorporating these methods in the formal educational system.
With regard to the methods and techniques of non-formal teaching and practical experience of project participants they enriched their knowledge about the possibilities and ways to develop social competencies, which may prove to be particularly useful in the teaching of expressing their own views and opinions respecting the feelings of others.
The effect of the training undertaken by the project participants was to understand the interactions both in the group as well as between individuals. Observation and discussion of the behavior in specific situations led the participants on the basis of gained experience to conduct the analysis of their own behavior and reflection concerning interpersonal relations.
The tangible result of these actions was to awaken creativity and activity of the participants and their active involvement in the project, which resulted in the conception of independent activities related to the modification and creation of methods, that would make the learning process attractive and could be used in the current educational system.

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Non-formal education in formal adult education facilitators: Marta, Irmina and Justyna

2.        Brief description of the training
      The training consisted of two meetings. The first meeting was to introduce theoretical issues concerning the understanding of non-formal education as well as tasks and integration exercises, focusing on team-oriented work and creative thinking.
      The second meeting concerned the practical work and included a variety of issues ranging from integration activities by raising energy group games, the team building task, communication exercises, developing creative thinking exercises, dances with singing (singing with elements of movements) to funny games. All tasks and exercises were thoroughly discussed and together with the participants modified and adapted to the objective of the program and the needs of children learning in primary school.
3.        Purpose of training
      The principal goal of the following workshop (project) was to familiarize the participants with the methods of non-formal education for the introduction and use of methods, forms and techniques of non-formal education in the formal school educational system implemented in the school.
4.        The specific objectives
·      Finding and indicating the possibilities of using the techniques and methods of non-formal education while working with children in kindergarten and when working with beginning classes pupils.
·      Searching for new ideas, games and tasks that can be used in daily work with pupils.
·      Showing attractive opportunities and ways to enrich their classes through non-formal education methods.
·      Providing with opportunities to experience something new, to know and to integrate with one another.
·      Showing the ability to influence methods of non-formal education on the interactions between the teacher and students as well as among students.
5.        Duration, term and location
      The workshop lasted two days.
The first training was held on 04.06.2014. from 16.00 to 20.00 in Stepnica in the Municipal Cultural Centre.
The second training was held on 08.06.2014 r. from14.00 to 20.00 in Czarnocin in Active Recreation School "Frajda".
6.        Description of the participants
      The run workshops were attended by 12 female teachers from Konstanty Maciejerowicz Secondary School and Kindergarten in Stepnica. Participants of the project were teachers working in teaching preliminary in grades 1-3 and in the pre-school educational system.
      Teachers participating in the project were people wanting to introduce in their work innovative education methods,  they were involved in participating in the project, open to the modern and creative ways of working with students. Activities participants sought to gain new knowledge, learn new methods, techniques and forms of teaching that would allow them to use more efficient ways of delivering the curriculum.  The teachers were willing to raise their qualifications, which  they could achieve through participation in the implemented project.
1.        Results and effects of training
The project was proposed and presented to the participants together with opportunities to use the methods, techniques and the tools for non-formal teaching in the process of formal education in working with children in school and kindergarten.
The measurable outcome and effect of  the training is to highlight the opportunity to purchase and the development of social skills through the introduction of teaching methods and techniques of non-formal education to the formal one. This allows the teachers involved in the project to enrich, diversify and expand their workshop.
With regard to the methods and techniques of non-formal teaching, the participants have broadened their knowledge of how to develop communicative competence, which in particular can help them resolve conflicts and interpret the patterns of their pupils behavior.
Another effect of the conducted training was the acquisition of additional skills by allowing the teachers to plan lessons in a team using appropriate methods, techniques and forms, thanks to which they can take into account the different emotional pupils states while accomplishing planned tasks.
The use of non-formal educational methods and analysis as well as the observation of pupils behavior may also help in a more precise drawing conclusions based on theoretical knowledge of pedagogy as well as it can also help create a climate of mutual understanding and trust in the group.
In addition, it is worth noting that current training aroused among participants the desire of creativity, improving their knowledge, further education and self-improvement.

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Improvement of emotional atmosphere at Malta Secondary Schools No. 1. and 2. using non-formal learning methods facilitators:...Latvian team
Due to economical and political reasons two neighbouring schools were planned to be reunited. This caused growing tension among local inhabitants.The tension increased in spite of various actions: there were organised discussions, newspaper articles to the topic, public voting for the best model of  united school building.
To improve the situation working group consisting of representatives of formal and non-formal education organised a training ment for teachers and active parents of the both schools. In the training took part also representatives of Mothers`club based in Secondary School No.2. In this training participated 15 people and it lasted for 8 hours.
The main aim of the training was creation of positive emotional atmosphere in the process of reunition of two Secondary schools, applying non-formal learning methods. The training had also some objectives:
·        Introduce participants to each other in non-formal way
Reduce tension in the target group creating a cosy atmosphere
Involve representatives of both formal and non-formal education into training
Use various methods used in non-formal education.
The training was held on June,19th 2014. and it took place in two different places- on the sports ground near school and  in a bus. The training was organised in a form of excursion. At the beginning all participants gathered on sportsground to reduce some tension. On this stage there were used icebreakers “Nice to meet you”, “looking for treasure”,” hit the bottle”. Later participants on their way to Rundāle had two story telling activities, visited the Rundāle castle and continued with team building activities “ towel volleyball” and “keep the balance”.  On the very last stage  returning home participants gave a feedback on the training.

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Hand made jevellery and artwork  facilitators:...Latvian team
Adult people rather unwillingly overcome their comfort zone, they are mostly used to some roles they play at work, at home, in society. Unknown/ strange situation usually causes stress and discomfort. The main idea of this training was  that doing some practical activities together with representatives of neighbouring school might unite participants, help to make new contacts, as well as broaden participants` horizonts. The far away idea was that participation in the training might make tights between teachers and parents of two schools stronger.
Aim of the training was to introduce participants to the main techniques of making hand made jewellery and artworks.
The training had also several objectives:
Give basic practical skills of making hand made jewellery and artworks
Raise self-confidence of the participants and broaden their comfort zone
Become aware of gifted students` number at our school
The training on hand made jewellery and artwork took place on  25.08.2014. for the first target group, and on  26.08.2014. for the second target group. Both trainings were similar to each other and lasted for 5 hours. Both trainings took place in Malta Secondary school No.2. Target groups were formed from staff of both Malta Secondary Schools , active parents, representatives of Mothers`Club. Trainings were visited by 30 people (15 –group 1, 15- group 2.).
Each training consisted of two parts:
-Jewellery/ artwork- participants got insight into different techniques of hand made jewellery, then visited exhibition of hand made jewellery made by students. After that they had practical training on hand made jewellery, where it was shown how to make beads; and  practical training on hand made postcards.
-Work with metal- participants listened to presentation on further education for students with additional qualification for artwork on the base of Malta Secondary School, after which they had
practical training on metal forging making woman`s/ warrior`s bracelet or a ring.

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Description: The development of the course aims to highlight  key skills: assertive communication, empathic attitude, team collaboration, creativity in promoting personal, but also in promoting ideas, the development of original materials (logo, slogan, poster).
The target group consisted of 20 parents and 19 teachers from secondary school no.24 Timisoara. Methods used: Exercise assertive communication, empathy, My label, Brainstorming, Logo, Mini exhibition, assessment feedback. Results: Mini exhibition with posters made by teams.
Training aim:  Developing creativity in promotion by using formal and non-formal methods.
Training objectives:
Specific objectives: At the end of the course participants will be able to:
ü  develop promotional materials (logo, slogan / logo, flyer, poster);
ü  propose ideas to develop projects to promote personal or business ideas;
ü  promote a course, a school.
Period and Location: 10 - 11 March, 2014 and 2 - 3 October 2014;
 Secondary School no. 24, Timisoara.
Participants descriptions: 20 parents and 19 teachers
Training results and effects:
·         39 learners worked during the events with experiential pedagogy, open space methodology, formal and non-formal methods, techniques and instruments;
·         2 training events were organized.

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Icebreakers in Educational Activities Icebreakers in Educational Activities – facilitators: Adina and Ilona

Description.The training was designed for our fellow teachers and counsellours from schools of all types and all levels from Drobeta Turnu Severin as a combination of non-formal and formal activities requiring all the participants’active involvement. They developed skills on areas such as: communication, collaboration, strategic planning and decision making. The training consisted in two-full day structured learning sessions which aimed using non-formal activities to “break the ice”, reduce or increase the level of students’ energy in a formal educational activity. The training had also in-depth coverage of the issues related to noise, class management, time or financials. The analyzing process was done by the participants themselves conducted by the facilitators, who identified the advantages and the disadvantages of the methods, techniques and in instruments we presented. As results, we consider: development of interpersonal communication, diminution of inhibition, stimulation of creativity, memory and attention, active participation.

Training aim – the improvement of the teachers and counselors’ capacity to use non-formal methods, techniques and instruments in formal educational environment.
Training objectives:
-to facilitate the formal educational process based on non-formal learning methods techniques and instruments
-to apply non-formal methods, techniques and instruments in the formal educational process
Duration, period and location
It was a two- day training course organized in two different periods (April and October), with different participants. The location were also different, we organized the training courses both in a formal framework (low secondary school) and non-formal as well (ARCS Youth Center).

Participants’ descriptions
The participants were fellow teachers and counselors working in formal educational system, from kindergarten to high school. The procedure for selection of the participants was an open call. The two training courses comprised 40 participants who used their new-gained skills with their students.

Results: development of communication, stimulation of creativity and attention, decreasing of inhibition, socialization, raise of self-esteem, improvement of knowledge over the use of non-formal education.

]]> (Super User) Trainings Wed, 04 Feb 2015 18:58:31 +0000
Training on Non-formal Methods, techniques and instruments Non-formal methods, techniques and instruments in adult education – Initial Training of trainers project learners – facilitators: Vasile DEAC, Marta Jonca

Brief – The training was prepared for initiation of project learners on the project main issue – non-formal techniques and instruments in adult education applied in formal environments. Training was prepared for 16-24 learners (half- trainers in non-formal organizations, half teachers in formal institutions); Project was based on a modern methodology called open space methodology. Training was facilitated by trainers with experience in non-formal adult education which created the environment for learners to choose specific methods and techniques to promote their methods and to deliver into a specific training sequence to colleagues (the other learners). The facilitators help learners to prepare their sequences and assure all necessary training materials. Each national team delivered minimum one training sequence. Using the open space methodology, the project integrated the most important non-formal training methods like: simulation, role play, dancing, energizers, theatre, storytelling, non-verbal communication, aquarium, video-CV, etc.
Training (workshop) aim: To increase capacity of trainers and teachers to apply non-formal methods, techniques and instruments in formal area and environment.
Training specific objectives. At the end of training (workshop) participants will be able to:
-          facilitate a training process based on non-formal method and techniques: simulation, aquarium, storytelling, video-CV etc.
-          aware the necessity of verbal and nonverbal congruence in training communication;
-          practice a different non-formal training methods, techniques and instruments;
-          deliver a training sequence based on non-formal methods for a adults group;
Duration, period and location: 5 days; 2014, 5-9 of March; ARCS Centre for Training, counseling and therapies;
Participants’ description. Training participants was 24 project learners (6 from Greece, 4 from Poland, 4 from Latvia, 8 from Romania), trainers or teachers involved in adult education in partners organizations of the project or their local partners from each 4 countries involved in the project.
Training results and effects:
24 learners worked during the event with experiential pedagogy, open space methodology, non-formal methods, techniques and instruments;
a plan for local trainings was done during training by each national partner;
10 training designs was developed in the local activity of project learners
20 training events was organized;

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