The Guide

facilitators:...Latvian team
Due to economical and political reasons two neighbouring schools were planned to be reunited. This caused growing tension among local inhabitants.The tension increased in spite of various actions: there were organised discussions, newspaper articles to the topic, public voting for the best model of  united school building.
To improve the situation working group consisting of representatives of formal and non-formal education organised a training ment for teachers and active parents of the both schools. In the training took part also representatives of Mothers`club based in Secondary School No.2. In this training participated 15 people and it lasted for 8 hours.
The main aim of the training was creation of positive emotional atmosphere in the process of reunition of two Secondary schools, applying non-formal learning methods. The training had also some objectives:
·        Introduce participants to each other in non-formal way
Reduce tension in the target group creating a cosy atmosphere
Involve representatives of both formal and non-formal education into training
Use various methods used in non-formal education.
The training was held on June,19th 2014. and it took place in two different places- on the sports ground near school and  in a bus. The training was organised in a form of excursion. At the beginning all participants gathered on sportsground to reduce some tension. On this stage there were used icebreakers “Nice to meet you”, “looking for treasure”,” hit the bottle”. Later participants on their way to Rundāle had two story telling activities, visited the Rundāle castle and continued with team building activities “ towel volleyball” and “keep the balance”.  On the very last stage  returning home participants gave a feedback on the training.

About me

ARCS is an organization made up of specialists in various fields providing services initiates and implement programs and projects for its beneficiaries.

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Mailing adress : 220037 Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinți
Mobile: +0040721203291