Romanian Association for Counseling and Support is an NGO having as organizational target groups: Young people and Experts working with or for young people (Adults). ARCS are planning projects and services according with needs of the young people using experiential pedagogy as general methodology. In last 5 years an important part of ARCS projects was targeting adults – experts involved in education or services for young people (teachers, NGOs trainers, employment officers, Local public administration;
In last three years ARCS involved in its training programs more than:
· 150 young people - high school students (15-18 years);
· 100 school counselors involved in career counseling in formal educational system;
· 600 teachers involved in national system of education.
The methods and techniques used by ARCS are especially in non-formal area.
Other area of expertise of ARCS, relevant for the project, is training methodology development: the organization is CNFPA accredited (National Authority for Certification in Adult Education - National Centre for Adults Professional Training); ARCS used non-formal methodologies in order to develop certified trainings for different categories: trainers (Training of Trainers), career counselors, professional mentors, project managers; also we developed specific curricula for non-formal education based on experiential pedagogy and outdoor activities.
ARCS also have experience in international programs development, international partnership involvement and coordination and networking at the international level.
Project involvement of ARCS
ARCS role in the project was to:
· Project general coordination;
· Organize A2.Seminar on non-formal methods and techniques in adult education;
· Involve experts (trainers and teachers) as project learners;
· Organize local activities of the projects: trainings based on non-formal methodologies, delivered in formal environments;
· Organize A6.Evaluation meeting.
ARCS specific responsibilities and tasks during the project implementation were: coordination of partnership, communications between partners, delivering non-formal and formal training competencies and local activities implementation. Tasks of ARCS was: to coordinate the project activities; to develop a communication instrument; to implement local activities in Romania; to organize the Activity A2 - Seminar on non-formal methods and techniques in adult education; to involve a local organization and to implement local activities; To organize the activity A6-Evaluation meeting.
L.A.E.E consists of approximately 300 members and has a 35 years’ experience in the organization and participation of cultural events in local, national and international level. Experience which is found in the following topics: traditional dances and music, customs - traditions, protection and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, intercultural education, lifelong learning, participation in educational programs, youth exchanges, etc.
L.A.E.E. conducts regular workshops of lifelong education in order to provide citizens with tools for their personal development, social integration and participation in the society of knowledge and exchange of experience in both local and European level, while fostering the feeling of European citizen. The members of the organization have several years of experience both in the implementation of EU programs and in management of them.
Project involvement of L.A.E.E. L.A.E.E responsibilities during the project implementation were: project results dissemination, local activities implementation. Tasks of partner where: to coordinate/organize the Activity A5 - Dissemination Seminar; to implement local activities.
Non-Formal Education Centre – Association for Human Development was founded in 2007. Members are mainly people with experience in both formal and non-formal education – teachers, educators, sociologists, enthusiasts of education through physical activities like “outdoor” and “adventure”, who seek more effective ways of working with children, youth and adults. Our activities in the field of non-formal education are more and more effective with years of experiencing.
The Association regularly cooperate with organizations of similar profile from all around the world. As a member of The European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) the Association receives great support for our actions.
Our Association is situated in the village of Czarnocin- an hour drive from Szczecin. It is far from busy streets and close to fantastic, unspoiled natural environment- wide shallows, green forests and meadows which are nature reserves of European Union for Coastal Conservation. All these plus the professional staff guarantees people’s satisfaction. Our educational methods are targeted at the stimulation of the natural needs and interests of people. Our aims is to encourage people’s abilities and make them develop various useful skills.
We work mainly with people at risk of social exclusion due to place of residence (small village), low access to education, alcohol problems, and struggling with unemployment. Family incomes here are small, often prevent the use of additional forms of education. That is why we organize various social shares, soft skill training, vocational training, trips and courses that-we hope-help to raise awareness of the population about the necessity of lifelong learning.
The main objectives of the Association:
· to promote all forms of non-formal education among different social groups
· improving the qualifications of persons interested in the activities in the field of non-formal education and creating proper attitudes in the leaders of non-formal groups
· to promote youth initiatives and projects, support various forms of social activities
· the popularization ideas and forms of outdoor physical activity
· to develop skills of living and cohabiting in various social groups
· the development of socially useful traits and attitudes
Project involvement – As Partner 2 our responsibilities in the project where: initially planning of the project, project promotion on the web, local activities implementation. Specific tasks of Partner 2 are: to coordinate/organize the Activity A1 Start meeting; to develop a web site concept presentation for the project (each partner will implement the concept on the own web page); to involve a local organization and to implement local activities.
Malta secondary school No. 2 was established in 1954. It is known by its diversity in programs from pre-school educational programs - general secondary educational programs. Malta Secondary school includes such programs as special educational programs for the learners with special needs, professional oriented program, adult education, inclusive education and interest education.
As Malta Secondary school No.2 will represent Rezekne Municipality in the project "non-formal adult education", it has the following activities: formal and non formal activities for adult people – 2 part-time educational programs for adult people and different workshops, courses and lectures for adults (social courses for the parents, car driving courses, courses for unemployed, etc.).
In the partnership, during annual meeting, adult people could participate in different workshops. We will organise different workshops - beads workshop, art workshops, forged jewelry workshop and others. We will involve adult people and contribute expertise to elaboration and adaptation of the working concept and materials.
Project involvement - as Partner 3 our responsibilities in project implementation were: intermediary evaluation of the project, promotion concept development (excepting web page), local activities implementation. Tasks of Partner 3 are to coordinate/organize the Activity A4 Annually meeting; to develop a concept for promotion materials of promotion (printed materials); to implement local activities.
ARCS is an organization made up of specialists in various fields providing services initiates and implement programs and projects for its beneficiaries.
Add : Drobeta Turnu Severin, Str. Orly, nr. 25A
Mailing adress : 220037 Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinți
Mobile: +0040721203291
Email : office@arcs.ro